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How to Convince a Brand that's Never Worked with Influencers or Creator

Written by

Justin Moore

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You would be surprised. There are so many industries where, like you'd think it's like a regular thing, like, yeah brands, of course, they work with influencers. Of course, they work with creators. But, there are so many industries and companies that still are not, especially for our agency.

I work with brands all the time, where we're working with them on their very first influencer campaign. So, I know that we're all in this space; we're all creators. We've been maybe pumping out content for a long time. And seeing other brands work with creators for a long time. And to be fair, yes, many more brands are working with creators these days than there were a couple of years ago, but there are still brands that have never worked with creators before.

How to Approach New Brands

The best way to approach these new brands, these new industries, is to think of yourself as a consultant, not just an influencer that's trying to get paid to post about the brand on your feed. How can you bring heightened value to them? Because if you just come to them

and be like, like it's going to be $1000 or $1500 to like make a post on my Instagram and like do all this and X, Y, Z. That's just gonna be

right over their head. They're not going to understand the value. They're going to be like $1500 for this? Like, what am I actually getting out of this?

As a creator, your job, if you're approaching a new brand or a new industry that hasn't worked with creators in the past, is how can I educate them? It's gonna take more work, of course, you're gonna have to like sit down and like talk to them about. Here is all the value that you're going to get out of partnering with me.

Number one, I'm gonna help you collaborate and figure out what type of messaging you want to evoke on social media. Like, let's talk about the three to four key benefits of your product. After hearing the message, let's talk about where we want to drive people if they're interested.

Is it to your website? Is it to Amazon? If you're like a regional influencer, and let's say you're a foodie in the Southeast of the United States or something, I'm just making it up. Do you want to drive foot traffic into your restaurant or your retail location or something like that? That could be a call to action.

Let's talk about how you can get additional value out of the content that I will create for you. You can repurpose it on your social media handles, on Facebook advertising like for paid media on Facebook marketing or something, or Instagram, LinkedIn. Maybe you want to repurpose the content on LinkedIn to showcase in your network.

So basically, again, you come as a consultant, and maybe you even charge for it. You set an hourly rate to help them think through these things. And on top of that. Yes, it's gonna be an additional fee for you to post on your platform if they still want to do that.

Maybe you're not even gonna post on your platform. Perhaps you come to them and say, "Hey, look, I love your brand. I love your product. I do think that my followers, my audience, would be really interested if I posted about you and talked about you, but if you're not interested in that,

I can help you with some social media strategy sessions or influencer marketing strategy sessions. I can try to help you understand how your brand can move the needle in social media, amongst creators, amongst influencers via word of mouth, those types of things."

So looking at yourself as, again, a consultant could be just an exciting way to shift your mindset and figure out what value you can bring to them.

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